Will the doomsday predictions of the Maya in 2012 is actually not known basic calculations. However, the issue is already widespread doom through the media of the Internet through a "solar storms" that is predicted to occur in 2011-2012.
According to sources space.com, marahari storm is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the sun when terlemparnya protons and electrons due to solar magnetic activity that typically occurs 11 years. So the peak of solar activity occurred in 1979, 1989, and 2000. Due to the magnetic activity, magnetic waves that leads to the earth block the communication signals.
Therefore, all means of communication which uses electromagnetic signals can not function properly, including mobile phones and Global Positioning System (GPS). The experts stated that the activity bursts of solar storms will continue to increase each period and the peak will occur in 2011 or 2012.
Even the phenomenon is also very influential in the power plant if kept lit during the storm lasted for Earth's magnetic field are unstable. If the power plant is damaged it takes approximately 2 years to rebuild it. This forced people to return to live without electricity until the new power plant construction.
Space experts from the Institute of Aviation and Space Agency (LAPAN), Dr. thomas Djamaluddin, asserted, solar storms are predicted around the year 2011-2012 showing it is not causing the apocalypse. Solar storms do not have a direct impact on humans, but still have an impact on astronomical objects around him.