Thursday, May 5, 2011

UFO Sighting Videotaped Over Japan Tsunami On March 11, 2011

UFO Sighting Videotaped Over Japan Tsunami On March 11, 2011

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While in a latest statement Benjamin Fulford said, Earthquake attack on Japan originated in New Mexico and Nevada and U.S. New Madrid fault line will be the next target. [Link] UFO sightings were videotaped over Japan Tsunami .

According to UFO-Blogger regular reader "This is going to sound a bit crazy but i believe there is a link between disasters and UFO's.

I have been looking at you tube as well as internet sources provided by Google and have seen and read many things.

There is video evidence on you tube that show a mysterious object either just before or just after some of the well known disasters. These links show some idea of what i mean, whether its a natural disaster or one from a man made object.

UFO sighting Over Indonesia, India, Yellowstone, USA prior to natural disasters- Are they try to warn us? Was it a coincidence?

According to some UFO experts, UFOs always hover around the epicenter of major calamities. They somehow sense these coming natural disasters. Some believe that they try and communicate with us to warn. Some even believe these UFOs simulate natural disasters in the earth.

India especially in the Himalayas, China, Indonesia were experiencing heavy UFO sightings in recent days. Remote areas of Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Andaman Island, Sri Lanka have also recently reported such sightings.

Indian Government and the military are quiet for a long time about these numerous UFO sightings.

The recent excessive UFO sightings all over the world are forecasting serious disasters in the world. Many people believe, we are in for a rough time as far as earthquakes; volcano and similar natural calamities are concerned.

It is possible that UFOs are trying to communicate to us to warn about the planetary positioning effects on the Earths tectonic plates and crust.
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